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Approsheets are essay attack checklists and flowcharts — roadmaps to help you approach each essay, see the relevant issues and sub-issues, and collect hidden points...

...even if you have no idea how to write a bar essay despite knowing a ton of law:

Approsheets can help you see the big picture not just on the essays but even on the MBE:

👉🏻 Try it for yourself with full samples (not just a couple pages).

Approsheets samples (17-page PDF)

👉🏻 You'll get immediate lifetime access and updates: 

  • Downloadable PDFs for the subjects listed below
  • Supplemental pages taken from counterpart Magicsheets ($30 value)
  • [Bonus] Performance Test Toolkit ($50 value)
  • [Bonus exclusive to Magicsheets + Approsheets Bundle] Pocket Guide for Your Bar Prep: 17 Strategies to Get Un-stuck and Un-frustrated by the Bar Exam ($50 value)
  • [Bonus exclusive to Magicsheets + Approsheets Bundle] MBE Subject Matter Breakdowns and Charts ($50 value)
  • [Bonus] IRAC/CRAC Example Vault ($27 value)

If you're studying for a state that isn't California or a UBE jurisdiction, please review the subjects below and select the closest variant.

👉🏻 Subjects included in California version:

  • Business Associations (Agency, Partnerships, Corporations)
  • Civil Procedure (FRCP and CA)
  • CA Community Property (not included in UBE version)
    • Plus a summary of characterization of property
  • Constitutional Law
  • Contracts
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Procedure
    • Plus a 4th Amendment supplement
  • Evidence (FRE and CA)
    • Plus a Proposition 8 supplement (CA)
  • Professional Responsibility (ABA and CA)
    • Plus an ABA vs. CA distinction table
  • Real Property
  • Remedies
    • Injunctive remedies supplement
  • Torts
  • Wills & Trusts (Trusts & Estates for the UBE)
  • Intro and how-to guide

👉🏻 Subjects for UBE additionally include:

  • Secured Transactions
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Family Law
  • Trusts & Estates

The UBE variant does not have any references to California law and does not include CA Community Property. Some subjects included are not tested on the UBE, but the extra subjects may be beneficial depending on which state you're taking the bar exam in.

👉🏻 And don't forget:

There's a 30-day satisfaction policy. You either win, or you decide it's not for you and get your money back.

But you have to make the investment in yourself first.

Stay excellent,


PayPay in 2 installments2 equal monthly installments of $38.50

You'll get two emails immediately: a receipt with a link to access all the files + a welcome email. Includes Approsheets (and supplements from Magicsheets) + an informational file + a bonus PT guide. All in PDF format. Please check the samples to ensure you're getting the right experience for you.

Included (2-3x a year)
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30-day money back guarantee

I've provided detailed information and full samples so that you can check that the product meets your needs. Please check them first to avoid surprises.

Bona fide requests within 30 days of purchase will result in a full refund. I'm happy to refund if you are not satisfied. Please email me with your specific reasons and which product(s) you need a refund on.

However, indication of "window shopping" at my expense may result in no refund or a partial refund to cover lost transaction fees. Examples:
- Asking for a refund 30 minutes after purchase
- Not having time to use the product
- Wanting to use funds for something else

Last updated Feb 18, 2025


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